Taras Shevchenko's poem
"N. Markevychu" / "Banduryste, orle syzyi"
("Н. Маркевичу"/ "Бандуристе, орле сизий")
1840, S.- Petersburg, (C. - Петербург)
Poem of Taras Shevchenko
"Думи мої, думи мої / Лихо мені з вами!"
("Dumy moi, dumy moi / Lykho meni z vamy!")
1840, S.- Petersburg, (C. - Петербург)
Taras Shevchenko's poem
"Do Osnovianenka" / "Biut porohy; misiats skhodyt"
("До Основ'яненка" / "Б’ють пороги; місяць сходить")
1839, S.- Petersburg, (C. - Петербург)
Taras Shevchenko's poem
"Perebendia" / "Perebendia staryi, slipyi — Khto yoho ne znaie?"
("Перебендя" / "Перебендя старий, сліпий — Хто його не знає?")
1839, S.- Petersburg, (C. - Петербург)
(News archive: 20 .02. 2014)
Oksana Zabuzhko, Ukrainian poet, writer and essayist, recites Taras Shevchenko’s poem “Khiba Samomy Napysat'" in Ukrainian from “Nash Shevchenko” as a part of independent video project “Nash Shevchenko” instituted by Serhiy Proskurnia.
Taras Shevchenko's poem "The Bondwoman's Dream"
"Son" / "Na panshchyni pshenytsiu zhala"
"Сон" / "На панщині пшеницю жала"
1858, S.- Petersburg (C.- Петербург)
Translated by Alexander Jardine Hunter
Taras Shevchenko's poem
"Choven" / "Viter z haiem rozmovliaie"
("Човен" / "Вітер з гаєм розмовляє")
1841, S.-Petersburg (С.- Петербург)
(News archive: 20 .02. 2014)
Well-known Ukrainian theatre director/producer Serhiy Proskurnya embarked on a project almost a year ago in dedication to the 200th birthday of Taras Shevchenko. Featuring Ukrainians from all walks of life and from all over the world, Shevchenko’s poetry comes to life in Nash Shevchenko (Our Shevchenko)
On the 5th of March 2014 in Kirovohrad Regional Art Museum the exhibition of paintings “Everyone has his fate and his own way...” dedicated to the 200th anniversary of birth of the son of Ukrainian nation - poet, artist and philosopher Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko (1814-1861) was opened.
Poetry of famous Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko was recited by children stydying at Sonechko Childcare Center (Toronto, Canada) during celebrating Shevchenko's Days - 2013.

On the occasion of Taras Shevchenko’s 200th birthday celebration and the inclusion of this date into the UNESCO Calendar, the International Cultural and Educational Project "United By Shevchenko’s Word" was realized in March 2015 in Kyiv. Ambassadors of Palestine, Portugal, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Malaysia, Romania, as well as representatives of the embassies of India, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Greece, Austria and Belarus, recited poems of genius Ukrainian poet in their native languages.
A project of International Institute of Education, Culture and on Diaspora ties “Ukrainian children worldwide read Kobzar” was presented at the premises of Lviv Polytechnic National University on March 7, 2013. The presentation was broadcasted live in the Internet.
Taras Shevchenko's poem "The Night of Taras"
"Tarasova nich" / "Na rozputti kobzar sydyt'"
("Тарасова ніч" / "На розпутті кобзар сидить")
1839, S.- Petersburg (C.- Петербург)
Translated by Alexander Jardine Hunter
Poem of Taras Shevchenko
"Tarasova nich"
("Тарасова ніч")
1839, S.- Petersburg (C.- Петербург)

Taras Shevchenko's self-portrait,
Orenburg. Mailed to Andrii Lyzohub.
(29 November 1849). Sepia, paper.
US President George Bush Sr. recites Taras Shevchenko's words which are placed on the monument to the poet in Washington, D.C. (the President's news conference on May 6, 1992)
Our soul shall never perish,
Freedom knows no dying,
And the greedy cannot harvest
Fields where seas are lying;
Cannot bind the living spirit,
Nor the living word,
Cannot smirch the sacred glory
Of th'almighty Lord
Leaders of the USA made a unique contribution to honoring Shevchenko. Harry Truman was an honorary head of the Shevchenko Monument Committee. Dwight Eisenhower finally cleared the way for the monument to be installed in Washington and John F. Kennedy sent his greetings to American Ukrainians as they dedicated the site in September 1963 and facilitated implementation. In his letter, he called Shevchenko’s poetry a “noble part” of American historical heritage. Lyndon B. Johnson said: "He was more than a Ukrainian — he was a statesman and citizen of the world. He was more than a poet — he was a valiant crusader for the rights and freedom of men. He used verse to carry on a determined fight for freedom.”

Taras Shevchenko actually is Ukraine’s most illustrious poet and the best-known Ukrainian poet abroad. There are numerous monuments to him in different countries all around the world. His poetry collection ‘Kobzar’ is probably the most translated Ukrainian text, some poems, such as "Testament", have been translated into more than 60 languages.
That's why many of recognized and famous people shared their thoughts about Taras Shevchenko.
(News archive: 20 March, 2013)
Staroho Leva Publishers celebrated Taras Shevchenko’s birth and death anniversaries with the Bard’s poetry recital contest, attended by Lviv’s secondary schools’ students. As much as 20 readers, who had won the school-wide contests, came to sort it out in the finals hosted by the Lviv Central Children’s library.
From speech of President William Jefferson Clinton made in the State Dining Room at the White House on November 22, 1994 during the State Dinner for President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine.