Quotes from famous people about Taras Shevchenko

Taras Shevchenko's portret, 1860 Photo of Taras Shevchenko, 1860

Taras Shevchenko actually is Ukraine’s most illustrious poet and the best-known Ukrainian poet abroad. There are numerous monuments to him in different countries all around the world. His poetry collection ‘Kobzar’ is probably the most translated Ukrainian text, some poems, such as "Testament", have been translated into more than 60 languages.

That's why many of recognized and famous people shared their thoughts about Taras Shevchenko.

The statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln at Mount Rushmore in South DakotaLeaders of the USA made a unique contribution to honoring Shevchenko. Harry Truman was an honorary head of the Shevchenko Monument Committee. Dwight Eisenhower finally cleared the way for the monument to be installed in Washington and John F. Kennedy sent his greetings to American Ukrainians as they dedicated the site in September 1963 and facilitated implementation. In his letter, he called Shevchenko’s poetry a “noble part” of American historical heritage. Lyndon B. Johnson said:  "He was more than a Ukrainian — he was a statesman and citizen of the world. He was more than a poet — he was a valiant crusader for the rights and freedom of men. He used verse to carry on a determined fight for freedom.”


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