Publications tagged: Museum

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The roads by Taras  - a personal exhibition of paintings by artist Vasyl Heletko. A personal exhibition of paintings by artist Vasyl Heletko "The roads by Taras" was opened at the address: Kyiv, Shevchenko's lane, 8a. The author invites everybody who love our Ukraine! Admission free. 





Taras Shevchenko National MuseumThe worldwide community of museums celebrate International Museum Day on and around 18 May 2017 around the theme Museums and contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in museums. Taras Shevchenko National Museum decided to show "Silenced" side of the museum - not its collection or exhibition, but secret rooms which reveal the secrets of museum work from the "inside".


Reflections on Taras Shevchenko by an American in Ukraine, The Taras Shevchenko museum, Kyiv, 2017, Pauletta Walsh, Assistant Information Officer, U.S. Embassy KyivThe Taras Shevchenko Museum is located in Shevchenko’s beloved Kyiv in a mansion formerly owned by a wealthy sugar magnate. This juxtaposition of housing the most comprehensive collection of artifacts, paintings and memorabilia from Shevchenko’s life, surrounded by such opulence is ironic and poignant. For Ukrainians, Shevchenko is the premiere national hero.  Son of a serf, at once a novelist and a painter, a poet and a prisoner, Shevchenko was a celebrity and political figure, who finally returned home to the area near the town of Kaniv, to be buried after his death. To a new generation of Ukrainians, those born after the Soviet era, raised with a unique identity, and who came of age in the era of EuroMaidan, Shevchenko’s dream of Ukrainian freedom resonates with renewed vigor. The museum provides an opportunity for foreigners and natives alike to make his acquaintance and to draw lessons from his writings on the past and future of Ukraine.


Taras Shevchenko in China. Taras Shevchenko Museum in BeijingUkrainian bard Taras Shevchenko unites Ukraine and China in landmark cultural exchange programme that paves way for closer bilateral ties. In 2016, a landmark series of art exchanges took place between Ukraine and China. It culminated with the opening of the Taras Shevchenko Museum in Beijing in September 2016, the first institution of its kind to be funded fully by a foreign government and not the Ukrainian state or diaspora.

IllustrationsTaras Shevchenko - "Catherine".