Taras Shevchenko. Pugachev's arrest. 1842 (Тарас Шевченко. Арешт Пугачева. 1842).
Taras Shevchenko
Translated by John Weir
Dear God, calamity again! ...
It was so peaceful, so serene;
We but began to break the chains
That bind our folk in slavery ...
When halt! ... Again the people's blood
Is streaming! Like rapacious dogs
About a bone, the royal thugs
Are at each other's throat again.
Taras Shevchenko, "Calamity Again"
"Mii Bozhe mylyi, znovu lykho!"
("Мій Боже милий, знову лихо!")
1859, S.- Petersburg (Санкт-Петербург)
Translated by John Weir
Source: http://www.infoukes.com/
Original publication:
Taras Shevchenko. Zibrannia tvoriv: U 6 t. — K., 2003. — T. 2:
Poeziia 1847-1861. — S. 303; 712-715
Тарас Шевченко
Мій Боже милий, знову лихо!
Мій Боже милий, знову лихо!..
Було так любо, було тихо;
Ми заходились розкувать
Своїм невольникам кайдани.
Аж гульк!.. Ізнову потекла
Мужицька кров! Кати вінчані,
Мов пси голодні за маслак,
Гризуться знову.

More Taras Shevchenko's poems translated from Ukrainian into English by John Weir:
John Weir (Ivan Fedorovych Viv'yurskiy), a Canadian of the Ukrainian lineage, was a talented English-speaking translator of the second half of the 19ih century. During his life he translated 29 Shevchenko's poetic works, a prosaic foreword to the poem of «The Haidamaky», the narrative «The Artist», the poet’s autobiographic letter and some excerpts from his diary. John Weir, being a translator with the Ukrainian root, felt melodiousness of Shevchenko’s lines, understood a social foundation of the poet's artistic images.
This POWERFUL, BEAUTIFULLY written poem brings me to tears. I'm filled with sorrow for the Ukrainian people.
I send you all my love and strength for endurance and your fight for freedom.
I thank you very very much for introducing us such a great poet of Ukrainian. I'm a poet of the classical Japanese poems, Waka.
I hope peace.
It's so sad that calamity continues to happen there. In spite of all the death and their having to endure leaving their own country I hope peace will come to them soon.
May peace reign again soon