You can find here some information about "Ukrainian Literature A Journal of Translations" journal, where some English translations of Taras Shevchenko's poems were published.
Ukrainian Literature is a journal of translations. It publishes English translations of the finest works of Ukrainian literature. The first three issues of the journal were published by the Shevchenko Scientific Society, New York, USA
The press release of the journal, published on the "BRAMA - Gateway Ukraine" website in 2004:

"BRAMA, Sep 2, 2004, 11:00 am ET
Press Release
English translations of Ukrainian literature now available online
The birth of a new journal of English translations of Ukrainian literature was announced on the internet on the day when Ukraine was celebrating its 13th anniversary of independence. The sponsor and publisher of this journal is the Shevchenko Scientific Society in the U.S.
It is an event of historical significance and far-reaching implications. UKRAINIAN LITERATURE: A JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONS first made its appearance on the internet at two electronic sites: and The journal will also be published as a printed copy. It is the first English language journal devoted to Ukrainian literature ever and the first Ukrainian literary periodical publication on the internet. The editor of this journal is Maxim Tarnawsky, professor of Ukrainian literature at the University of Toronto. The international editorial board consists of professors Marko Pavlyshyn (Australia), Taras Koznarsky (Canada), Michael M. Naydan and Askold Melnyczuk (both from the USA). All are also members of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Ulana Pasicznyk serves as the journal's manuscript editor.
The first issue of Ukrainian Literature contains 263 pages and presents the prose works of Valerii Shevchuk, Volodymyr Dibrova, Spyrydon Cherkasenko, Ievheniia Kononenko, Yuri Pokalchuk, Borys Antonenko-Davydovych, Vasyl Gabor, Lenid Mosendz, Emma Andijewska, and Oleksandr Irvanets; six of these are contemporary living writers of Ukraine. Poetry is represented by selections from Taras Shevchenko and Pavlo Tychyna. Translators, whose works appears in this volume are: Olha Rudakevych, Uliana Pasicznyk, Michael M. Naydan, Anatole Bilenko, Svitlana Kobets, Mark Andryczyk, Yaryna Yakubyak, Taras Koznarsky, Marta Baziuk, Marta D. Olynyk, and Maria Kachmar.
his volume concludes with Marta Tarnawsky's selected bibliography of transla tions from Ukrainian literature published in book form since 2000. In his introduction, Maxim Tarnawsky, the editor, notes the uneven history of translation from Ukrainian literature, commenting that "the establishment of a forum for translations of Ukrainian literature into English is an important development reversing a pattern of neglect".
This journal of translations will be published biennially, both in the electronic form and in a paper edition. It is likely not only to find thousands of new readers for Ukrainian literature in the English-speaking world, but also to exert an influence on the Ukrainian field of translations and even on the development of Ukrainian literature in general. The Shevchenko Scientific Society is planning a major public presentation of the new journal in New York City after the first volume is published in a printed edition. Until then, the readers can make their acquaintance with UKRAINIAN LITERATURE by reading it on the internet under either one of the two addresses indicated above."